
Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Requirements
Cal/OSHA workplace violence requirements draft regulation targets general industry and would require California employers to enact certain measures
The Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion: 5 Ways to Start
A workplace interested in creating, or sharpening, a business case for diversity and inclusion should take the following steps.
The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Training for Canadian Workplaces
Learn why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training is a critical component for Canadian workplaces to be more inclusive and diverse.
Elearning Investment Tips
If you’re considering moving your training courses online, check out these fantastic eLearning investment tips you should consider before making the big move.
How to Create Transgender Inclusion at Work
Many companies have made work more inclusive for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) employees over the last few years. But that’s not the end of it. There are still challenges in creating a safe environment for transgender employees in the workplace.
Hybrid Workplace Connection
With the world’s shift to a hybrid workplace, find out how you can bridge the gap between workmates to build trust and morale.
Scenario Based Elearning
If you're looking for a great way to keep your learners engaged and retaining information, have you considered the storytelling led, scenario based eLearning?
Engaging Elearning Experiences
Check out seven great tips on how you can build eLearning experiences that engage and excite your audience.
Building Community with Online Training
Find out how you can create online training experiences that strengthen connection in today’s hybrid workplaces.
Impactful eLearning Tips
Check out this great intel on how you can create successful and impactful eLearning courses that your learners will love.