Essential California Compliance Training Topics

Author Headshot Written by Liz McDermott

Navigating the landscape of California compliance training is paramount for organizations aiming to cultivate a safe and legally compliant workplace environment. To ensure adherence to California employment laws, employers must cover a broad spectrum of training topics, extending beyond sexual harassment to other forms of employment law.

Creating a comprehensive training program that incorporates essential compliance topics helps businesses of all sizes avoid fines. This article delves into the importance of covering these specific topics, the legal responsibilities of managers, and innovative approaches to compliance training.

California Compliance Training


Required Training for California Employers


Covering a broad spectrum of training topics is crucial to ensuring compliance with California employment laws. This includes not only sexual harassment but also other forms of unlawful behavior. Training must extend to understanding the nuances of ethical dilemmas and gray areas where decisions may not be clear-cut.


Broad Coverage Beyond Sexual Harassment

California compliance training must address the prevention of abusive conduct and harassment across all protected classes, including unique categories like sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. It’s essential for training programs also to cover practical examples of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation to guide supervisors.


Understanding the Gray Areas


Training should not only focus on black-and-white scenarios but also the gray areas of workplace behavior. This includes understanding the subtleties of interactions, like giving compliments or navigating social behaviors that could be misconstrued. Addressing these gray areas helps employees make better decisions in complex situations.


California Sexual Harassment Training Requirements


Private employers with five or more employees and all public employers must provide anti-harassment training. Employees include exempt and non-exempt workers, direct seasonal and temporary hires, interns, and contractors; anyone hired directly to work for less than six months; and workers outside California.

Employers must provide 2 hours of interactive anti-harassment prevention training to all supervisory employees (AB 1825) and 1 hour to all non-supervisory employees (SB 1343). Training must include remedies available to victims, including practical examples illustrating harassment and cover abusive conduct and bullying, and a portion on harassment-based gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

Training must be provided once every two years within six months of employment or assuming a supervisory position. For seasonal and temporary employees, migrant and seasonal agricultural workers or any employee hired for under six months within 30 calendar days of hire or with less than 100 hours worked, whichever occurs first.

Vubiz offers award-winning California Harassment Prevention online training for businesses needing to meet compliance with supervisor and employee training laws.


Other California Employment Law Topics


California Consumer Privacy


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) require businesses to train employees to inform consumers of their privacy rights and how to exercise them. The training should cover the following rights:

  • Right to know: What personal information is being collected
  • Right to delete: Requesting that a business delete personal information collected about the consumer
  • Right to correct: Requesting that a business correct inaccurate personal information
  • Right to opt-out of sale: Requesting that a business opt out of selling personal information
  • Right to limit: Limiting the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information
  • Right to non-discrimination: The right of no retaliation following opt-out or exercise of other rights 

Vubiz’s California Consumer Privacy Legislation online course meets the regulatory requirements for employers looking for a flexible training solution.


COVID-19 Training


On December 15, 2022, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board approved the COVID-19 Permanent Standard regulations, which took effect on January 1, 2023, replacing the current Emergency Temporary Standards. Under the Permanent Standard, employers are no longer required to maintain a separate COVID-19 Prevention Program. Still, they must include COVID-19 prevention procedures in the employer’s written Injury and Illness Prevention Program or in a separate document.

Other fundamental changes include reporting major outbreaks to Cal/OSHA, no longer providing employee exclusion pay, and allowing notification of COVID-19 cases in the workplace via postings. Employers must also provide practical COVID-19 prevention training to employees, covering various topics to protect employees from COVID-19 hazards. California employers must maintain COVID-19 prevention programs, including a compliant workplace training program through 2024.

Vubiz’s California COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Standards For Employees online training course is designed for employees in most workplaces in California except those covered by the Aerosol Transmissible Diseases standard.


Transparency in Supply Chains


The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (CTSCA) of 2010 requires companies to train employees and management on human trafficking and slavery. This training can help employees understand the risks of slavery and human trafficking and encourage them to report any issues they observe. Companies may also train procurement professionals and strategic supplier managers.

Vubiz’s California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Compliance online training course provides employees with the information needed to meet CTSCA compliance.


Workplace Violence Prevention


California's SB 553 mandates employers to develop and implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) by July 1, 2024. The legislation applies to most California employers, with exceptions for certain healthcare employers, remote workers, and workplaces with fewer than ten employees. The WVPP requires comprehensive procedures for identifying and addressing workplace violence incidents, including risk assessment, employee training, incident communication protocols, and post-incident response procedures.

Vubiz offers a California Workplace Violence Prevention For Employees online training course for employers looking to meet the compliance deadline.


Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)


According to California’s AB 1963, employers with five or more employees who hire minors must provide training in the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Training is required on an annual basis.


Vubiz’s California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act online training course includes information on which professions and roles are considered "Mandated Reporters," the types of abuse and neglect that must be reported, signs of different kinds of abuse and neglect, and guidance on how to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.


Cal/OSHA Housekeeper Injury Prevention


The Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program (MIPP) regulation was implemented in California on July 1, 2018. It requires hotel and motel employers to establish written policies and provide training to prevent workplace injuries for their housekeeping staff. The training must cover musculoskeletal injury risks, safe practices, early reporting, equipment usage, and supervisor training.

Vubiz’s Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program (MIPP) for California Housekeeping online training course is designed for hospitality employers to meet Cal/OSHA compliance.


California Meal and Rest Periods Supervisor Training


California supervisors should undergo regular training on meal and rest break requirements as part of the onboarding process and at least once a year. This training should guarantee that supervisors understand their obligations, such as regularly reviewing timesheets, and foster a culture of compliance. Supervisors should also promote an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting violations and ensure that hourly employees are not pressured to skip breaks.

Vubiz’s Supervisor's Guide to Meals, Rests, Wages, and Hours Worked online training course guides managers through the laws covering meal breaks, rest breaks, wages, and hours worked for supervisors in California.


California Employment Law Training

Management Training Topics


Leaves of Absence


Qualified employees can take a leave of absence in California for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, or longer if needed, for personal reasons. Staff responsible for administering leaves of absence for California employees must understand what is covered and what is not covered in California.

Vubiz’s California Leaves of Absence online training is designed for HR professionals and staff who manage employee leave of absence. It covers a qualified leave of absence and work policies and procedures.


Wage and Hour Laws


California law includes numerous wage and hour requirements for non-exempt or "hourly" employees. Employers must be familiar with these requirements and understand how they apply to their employees.

For instance, employers must compensate hourly employees for all hours worked, including overtime. To do this correctly, employers must be aware of the applicable minimum wage for their employees, as this rate may vary based on where the employee is working within the state. Additionally, employers must compensate overtime at an employee’s "regular rate of pay," which may not be the same as their hourly rate. These examples show that understanding and adhering to wage and hour requirements can be complex.

Vubiz’s California Wage and Hour Laws online training course offers management the knowledge needed to navigate legal requirements.


Customizing Training for Organizational Needs and Employee Engagement


Organizations that tailor their compliance training programs to meet specific goals and industry requirements have higher training retention rates. Training platforms like Vubiz provide online training content bundles to ensure compliance with California employment laws that can be easily customized to meet organizational needs. Elearning can make training more engaging through interactive content and multimedia, which enhances understanding and retention of complex compliance topics.


Ensuring Engaging and Memorable Content

Delivering compliance training content in engaging formats is advisable to avoid training fatigue and enhance retention. Online training not only offers a solution for employees to take training when it’s most convenient and from any device, but it also includes interactive elements like quizzes, videos, and even gamification, which make learning more enjoyable and effective.

Real-life examples and scenarios relevant to the employees' roles are also incorporated to make the training relatable and impactful. Additionally, online training is a reliable source for delivering training content that is always up-to-date with the latest laws and workplace trends, which is essential for maintaining compliance.


California Employers Labor Law

Legal Responsibilities and Preventative Measures for Managers


Managers in California should be aware that they can be held personally liable for certain violations of employment laws. This includes scenarios where they have failed to prevent harassment or discrimination under their watch. For instance, if a manager ignores complaints or fails to report them, they could face legal consequences as representatives of their company and in a personal capacity. This underscores the importance of comprehensive and ongoing training in California employment law to equip managers with the knowledge and tools to navigate these complex situations effectively.


Supervisory Law Training

Vubiz offers an online course to help employers train supervisors on their legal responsibilities and a preventative measure against litigation. Supervisory Law California online training raises awareness of the complexity of the laws governing employment so that managers are mindful of issues that pose potentially litigious repercussions.




In conclusion, compliance with California employment laws is essential for creating a safe and legally compliant workplace environment. It is crucial to focus on a broad spectrum of training topics beyond sexual harassment, such as ethical dilemmas, gray areas, and other employment law topics. Additionally, staying updated on evolving regulations, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and COVID-19 Prevention Standards, is vital for employers to ensure comprehensive employee compliance training.

Contact our sales team today for more information on how Vubiz can help your business meet California compliance.