Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel

This Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel online training course discusses options, not absolutes, for handling robberies and related offenses. The institution's Security Program is designed to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for the institution's employees to work – and for the institution's customers to conduct business. You are just as responsible for maintaining the institution's Security Program as is the Security Director.
SKU: P0143EN
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Price $30.00 $20.00

This Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel online training course discusses options, not absolutes, for handling robberies and related offenses. Having options or a "menu" of available choices, knowing what those options are and how to use them is important to your safety. The more options that you have available means that you can be more flexible and versatile when responding to emergency events.

Your institution's Security Director is responsible for developing and managing the institution's Security Program. The Security Program must contain policies and procedures that address robberies – as well as contain an initial and periodic training program that also addresses robbery. It's the institution's position that maintaining the security environment is perhaps the most important 1% of its business activities.

This Security Program is designed to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for the institution's employees to work – and for the institution's customers to conduct business. You are just as responsible for maintaining the institution's Security Program as is the Security Director and your role is a simple – but critical – one. Your role is important and it has three parts: to be aware of the need to protect yourself, your family, other employees, customers, and other persons on the premises; to observe and report unusual or suspicious persons and events to your supervisor or to the Security Director, and To take appropriate action if you feel that your safety – or the safety of another person – is at risk.

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this online Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel course, the user will learn to:

  • Why is critical decision making so important?
  • How should I describe robbers?
  • What types of robberies are most common?
  • Is there a difference between business crimes and personal crimes?
  • How can I determine my vulnerability? 
  • Should I develop a robbery response plan?
  • What are the most effective robbery prevention techniques?
  • Who handles media relations after a robbery?

Course Outline

This online Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel course is made up of the following sections:

  1. Decision Making
  2. Robber Descriptions
  3. Common Robberies
  4. Business vs. Personal Crimes
  5. Vulnerability
  6. Response and Prevention
  7. Media Relations

Course Audience

This Robbery Response Techniques For All Personnel online training course was designed for bank Personnel in the United States.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range Over 60 Minutes
Length (Hours) 0.5
Course Features Audio, Mobile
Module Number(s) 40453EN