Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers

This Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers online training course examines the contributing factors common to most robberies both the ones that the institution may control and the ones it cannot. It provides potential solutions that managers and executives may consider in responding to robberies and their inevitable aftermath.
SKU: P0141EN
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 100+ 500+
Price $30.00 $20.00

The Security Officer's primary duty is to develop and administer a written Security Program for the institution. This is not an option for any financial institution – banks, credit unions, or thrifts – it is a regulatory requirement. And even if it wasn't a requirement, initiating and maintaining an effective Security Program just makes good business sense. The Security Program must contain policies and procedures that address robberies – as well as an initial and periodic training program that also addresses robbery. 

This Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers online training course examines the contributing factors common to most robberies both the ones that the institution may control and the ones it cannot. It provides potential solutions that managers and executives may consider in responding to robberies and their inevitable aftermath.

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this online Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers course, the user will learn to:

  • What are the robbery prevention “basics”?
  • What are the true costs of a robbery?
  • How do we determine our vulnerabilities?
  • What are the institution’s security program robbery requirements?
  • How can I develop a robbery prevention checklist?
  • What are robbery prevention checklist examples?

Course Outline

This online Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers course is made up of the following sections:

  1. Robbery Prevention Basics
  2. Costs of Robbery
  3. Vulnerabilities
  4. Security Program Requirements
  5. Robbery Prevention Checklist

Course Audience

This Robbery Prevention Techniques for Security Officers, Executives and Managers online training course was designed for Security Officers, Executives and Managers in the United States.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range Over 60 Minutes
Length (Hours) 0.5
Course Features Audio, Mobile
Module Number(s) 40428EN