
Vubiz Launches New California Consumer Privacy Act Training
Vubiz releases a new course to address new California Consumer Privacy Act compliance laws and meet the large demand from companies who must comply with measures by the newly passed bill.
What Is Active Shooter Training?
Active shooter training helps reduce the likelihood of such a situation and mitigates the harm if an incident occurs.
What Is Earthquake Preparedness Training?
Earthquakes can happen at any time of the year and occur without warning. Larger earthquakes may cause deaths, injuries, extensive property damage and disruption of public services. This course will help you learn to prepare for earthquakes, as well as how to stay safe when and after an earthquake occurs, by giving you and your employees free access to our “Earthquake Preparedness” course.
Vubiz Launches New Diversity in the Workplace Course to Meet Popular Demand
Vubiz's new Diversity in the Workplace course is an excellent foundation for managers or supervisors to explore personal views and discover a diverse workplace's unlimited potential.
Types of Workplace Harassment (and How to Prevent Them)
There are many types of workplace harassment and so many interpretations that even the most diligent manager could miss the warning signs.
Vubiz Launches New Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Course
This new Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action online course is vital for companies that do business with the government or hope to do so.
Sexual Harassment Policy: How to Fire Someone
If an employee is accused of sexual harassment in the workplace, the company needs to legally deal with the situation.
Vubiz Launches New California Harassment Prevention Training to Meet SB 1343
Effective January 1, 2019, California employers with 5 or more employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees.
What is Hostile Work Environment Harassment?
Certain types of sexual harassment can create a hostile work environment. But what constitutes a hostile work environment?
Vubiz Launches New York Sexual Harassment Training to Meet New State Laws
As a Best of Elearning! award winner for its California harassment series, Vubiz is excited to announce the launch of its New York Sexual Harassment training program.