Understanding Endorsements

Check endorsements can be complex. In order to process endorsed checks effectively, efficiently, and securely, tellers need to be familiar with all the different types of endorsements. In this Understanding Endorsements, online training course Bank Tellers will learn to identify common types of endorsements, identify what makes an endorsement acceptable for check processing, and discuss common problems tellers may encounter with endorsements.
SKU: P2347EN
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Quantity 100+ 500+
Price $30.00 $20.00

An endorsement is approval of something. When an athlete films a commercial for a breakfast cereal, we say he has endorsed the product. When an opinion maker gives an interview declaring her support for a politician's candidacy, we say she has endorsed the candidate. Endorsements on checks work the same way.

An endorsement is a signature on the back of a check assigning interest to another party. The person who has endorsed the check has, by signing the back of the check, approved of the other party's interest in the check. As a bank teller, you need to understand endorsements.

Check endorsements can be complex. In order to process endorsed checks effectively, efficiently, and securely, tellers need to be familiar with all the different types of endorsements. In this Understanding Endorsements, online training course Bank Tellers will learn to identify common types of endorsements, identify what makes an endorsement acceptable for check processing, and discuss common problems tellers may encounter with endorsements.

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this online Understanding Endorsements course, the user will learn to:

  • Identify the common types of endorsements
  • Identify acceptable endorsements for check processing
  • Address common problems tellers run into with endorsements

Course Outline

This online Understanding Endorsements course is made up of the following sections:

  1. Types of Endorsements
  2. Blank endorsements
  3. Restrictive
  4. Conditional
  5. Qualified
  6. Special or full
  7. Other endorsements
  8. Checks payable to cash
  9. Joint endorsements
  10. Multiple endorsements Cash Back
  11. Acceptable Endorsements
  12. Unacceptable endorsements
  13. Common problems

Course Audience

This Understanding Endorsements online training course was designed for bank employees in the United States.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range 30 Minutes or Less
Length (Hours) 0.25
Course Features Audio, Mobile
Module Number(s) 14365EN