Security: Personnel

This Security: Personnel online training course suggests personnel who may logically perform safety and security-related tasks. The Security Officer's role is not an ordinary job and it is not for everyone. The Security Officer's position needs to be filled by a person who has the special skills to do it right. This course is part of a comprehensive online training program that addresses the security function.
SKU: P0146EN
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 100+ 500+
Price $30.00 $20.00

No one person needs to perform all of the security-related tasks within the institution – the security function actually works best when several skilled people apply their respective knowledge, training, and expertise to address security issues. This Security: Personnel online training course suggests personnel who may logically perform safety and security-related tasks. This course is part of a comprehensive online training program that addresses the security function.

The Security Officer's role is not an ordinary job and it is not for everyone. The Security Officer's position needs to be filled by a person who has the special skills to do it right. This course discusses the Security Officer’s role.

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this online Security: Personnel course, the user will learn to:

  • Explain why the needs of the institution determine the Security Officer's duties
  • Identify emerging industry-standard guidelines for staffing the Security Department
  • Discuss the three standard practices for which the Security Officer is responsible
  • Describe the three most significant problems a Board of Directors must address in dealing with the security function
  • Identify other people in the institution who have security responsibilities and briefly describe their responsibilities
  • Discuss challenges that confront the Board of Directors and the Security Officer with regard to the security function

Course Outline

This online Security: Personnel course is made up of the following sections:

  1. Institution Needs
  2. Common Practices
  3. Common Problems
  4. Other Responsible Persons
  5. Challenges

Course Audience

This Security: Personnel online training course was designed for Security Personnel in the United States.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range Over 60 Minutes
Length (Hours) 0.5
Course Features Audio, Mobile
Module Number(s) 40446EN