PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries

This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course is designed for retail and service industry business owners, IT managers and security managers. Most financial transactions are done by either debit or credit card. All of these transactions involve some level of electronic data transfer and storage, which creates opportunities for cyberthieves. This course provides an overview of what companies that handle credit card payments need to do to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
SKU: P4382EN
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 100+ 500+
Price $21.75 $14.50

This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course provides an overview of what companies that handle credit card payments need to do to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). PCI DSS is a set of technical and operational requirements intended to ensure that all companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Company owners, IT managers and security managers will learn about the goals of PCI DSS, requirements for developing and maintaining a PCI DSS-compliant payment system, and companies’ auditing and assessment responsibilities.

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this online PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries course, the user will learn:

  • The purpose of the PCI SSC and PCI DSS
  • The goals of PCI DSS compliance
  • The security requirements for developing and maintaining a PCI DSS-compliant payment system
  • The PCI DSS merchant levels and corresponding requirements for assessing PCI DSS compliance
  • How to access resources associated with compliance assessment and testing

Course Outline

This online PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries course is made up of the following sections:

  1. Establishing a PCI DSS Compliant Payment System
  2. PCI DSS Compliance Assessment and Reporting
  3. PCI DSS Compliance Resources

Course Audience

This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course was designed for retail and service industry business owners, IT managers and security managers.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range 31 - 60 Minutes
Length (Hours) 0.75
Course Features Audio, Accessible, Mobile, Video
Module Number(s) 41492EN
Course SKUP4382EN