Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors (CCOHS)

This online Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors training course explains your role and duties as a supervisor regarding health and safety at the workplace, why it is important to know what Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations require, and outlines how to recognize, assess, control and evaluate hazards to keep your workers safe.
SKU: P4932EN

This online Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors training course explains your role and duties as a supervisor regarding health and safety at the workplace, why it is important to know what Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations require, and outlines how to recognize, assess, control and evaluate hazards to keep your workers safe.

Under the law, a supervisor is any person who has authority over others or the workplace itself. People who supervise use many other titles, including manager, team leader, or a group coordinator.

Under the new Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training regulation of the OHSA, which comes into force on July 1, 2014, all employers in Ontario must ensure that their supervisors complete a basic health and safety awareness training program. This course meets this requirement. The course was developed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Course Learning Objectives

By taking this Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors training course, the user will learn:

  • Know your health and safety responsibilities and rights as a supervisor in Ontario
  • Understand the importance of the internal responsibility system (IRS), and the duties of the employer, supervisor, and worker
  • Be aware of how to keep your workers safe from common workplace hazards
  • Know when to involve the employer and where to get additional help

Course Outline

This online Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors training course is made up of the following sections:

  • The duties of supervisors, employers, and workers under the OHSA
  • A supervisor's role in health and safety policies and programs
  • The rights of workers, and how supervisors play a key role in fulfilling these rights
  • Common workplace hazards and occupational illnesses, and how to identify and control them to keep workers safe

Course Audience

This online Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Supervisors training course was designed for supervisors in Ontario workplaces, and employers may also find this course helpful.

If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.

Course Language English
Length Range 31 - 60 Minutes
Length (Hours) 1.00
Course Features Accessible, Audio, Mobile
Module Number(s) 41887EN