Resources for K to Grade 8 Teachers

What's in the resource?

cover of the new elementary resourceThe 200-page full-colour resource, which is in both print and CD formats, will provide lessons and activities that emphasize the fundamentals of health and safety for students at home, school, work, while volunteering, and at play. All activities are curriculum-based, most meeting multiple cross-curricular expectations. Where there are existing safety-related expectations, teachers will find ready-to-use activities. Sometimes safety topics are used to meet literacy, numeracy and other expectations. Topics include backpack safety, hearing protection, electricity, germs, working with chemicals, and avoiding sprains and strains, among many others. Students learn basic health and safety concepts while developing a diverse range of skills in various subject areas.

Check out the Table of Contents [PDF 225 kb] and List of Activities [PDF 44 kb] from the resource to see how the material is structured and the range of activities that can be used in the classroom. You'll notice that, after some introductory information and safety primers for teachers, the resource is divided into four main sections: Kindergarten, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6 and Grades 7-8. Although activities have been grouped by grade level based on curriculum expectations, many teachers may want to select activities from various grade levels to suit the needs of their students.

Educational trends and policies encourage students to think about workplace destinations as early as Grades 7 and 8.  This new elementary resource provides the fundamental skills and knowledge to help students stay safe on field trips, during workplace visits, and at part time jobs. 

Sample activities

Because the K to Grade 8 resource is available on CD-ROM, not all of the files for student handouts will be available as downloads, but to give you an idea of what's in the resource, here is an overview each of the four major chapters and a sampling of activities from each.


This 16-page chapter provides four curriculum-based, skill-building activities. Although there are only four activities, there is a variety of material for teachers to choose from. The first activity gives the teacher four exercises to choose from and the second and third activities are presented in two parts. Whenever possible, activities engage students with hands-on exercises or demonstrations by the teacher.

Grades 1-3

This 36-page chapter provides 14 activities in the broad categories of "Identifying and Solving Problems," "Emphasis on Literacy" and "Focus on Vocabulary." In the third category puzzles and games are used to help students build vocabulary. The sample provided below is from "Identifying and Solving Problems."

Grades 4-6

This 46-page chapter provides 13 activities in the broad categories of "Identifying and Solving Problems," "Emphasis on Literacy" and "Focus on Vocabulary." Activities require students to analyze information and graph results, use their artistic skills to communicate safety rules and complete puzzles drawing on their knowledge of safety vocabulary. The sample activity from this chapter is from the first section, "Analyzing and Solving Problems."

Grades 7-8

This 74-page chapter provides 21 activities in the broad categories of "Identifying and Solving Problems," "Emphasis on Literacy" and "Focus on Vocabulary," but adds four health and safety tests to help prepare students for part-time jobs and visits to workplaces. Activities emphasize real-world situations wherever possible, and the content is more workplace-related than in the earlier chapters.

The sample activity from this chapter is from the first section, "Analyzing and Solving Problems." One of the tests is also provided, along with information about a test from Passport to Safety you might like to try in the classroom.

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